Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Razor's Edge

Great video from the creators of Marble Hornets (look it up on youtube, it's fantastic).  While we're on the subject, I highly recommend old school shaving to nearly anyone, male or female.  For those not bold enough (or brave enough, as it were) to go the straight razor route, I recommend the old fashioned double edged razors.  You can pick one up pretty cheap in an antique shop and clean it up or buy one new for about $50 (try The Art of Shaving).  The blades are way cheaper than a traditional razor and provide a closer shave anyway.  Also, shaving with soap and brush is cheaper and more effective than canned shaving cream (you can find the blades and soap at any pharmacy or the local walmart.  I suggest investing in a decent badger-hair brush).  Food for thought.

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