Saturday, April 7, 2012

50 Mission

So, been a while, I admit, but I'm back for a bit.  End of the semester tends to take a toll.  Not a whole lot to report, but a few pics from Spring Break here.  I was in Ann Arbor Michigan for a spell.  Nice town.

So, first thing to report is a trip to Cabela's.  Usually not terribly noteworthy, but the fellas at the gun library were kind enough to let me have a look at a long coveted specimen.

Okay, so it's the 1927, semi-auto version, and not the 1921 or 28, but still.  I was drooling a bit.  Had I the money, it would've been mine.

Next off, we headed to Hell.

Yup, Hell, Michigan.  A one horse town if ever I saw one.  Apparently the settler's couldn't pick a name, so the leader said something along the lines of "Name it Hell for all I care!"  So they did.  Go figure.

And lastly, our own personal hell, the 30 inch pizza at Bella Italia.

3 of us had to do it in 30 minutes...We failed terribly and the "after" pics are too depressing to post...anyway, that was spring break in a nutshell.  Luckily, when I got home, there was a present waiting for me.  I picked up a WWII Enlisted Man's crusher cap on Ebay.  I popped a repro Officer's cap badge on it (just 'cause I like the look better) and popped a few pics.

The framed picture in the last photo is me and my younger sister at my cousin's wedding a few years back.  Well, that's about all there is to report for now.  Hopefully I'll have some more for you later.  'Night for now!

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