Monday, March 19, 2012

More information to disturb you.

So, yesterday I wrote about HR 347.  Hopefully, some of you were disturbed or outraged by this law, which shows that you actually care about where this country is headed and about your individual rights.  If so, I've got a few more things coming out of the government that will probably shock and anger you even more.  First, the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act).  Under the NDAA (specifically, section 1021), the President has the power to detain, indefinitely, any person deemed a danger to the United States, including U.S. citizens.  Also, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that the President also has the power to kill any U.S. citizen deemed a terrorist threat.  Now, this doesn't seem too shocking at first, but who decides whether a person fits the criteria for detainment or assassination?  The President himself, along with a few, secret advisors.  So, in other words, the President, at any given time, can declare any individual a threat to the nation and have them killed or detained without trial.  This is an obvious overuse of power if ever there was one and every American should be scared for their lives.  This harkens back to medieval Europe, where kings could imprison anyone they saw fit.  Conceivably, President Obama could imprison any blogger (myself included), news anchor, or politician that disagreed with his views or spoke out against him.  Now, I'm not saying he will do that or has done it, but dammit he has the power to and that's a problem.  This is the United States of America, not Nazi Germany.  We are the "Land of the Free," or at least we used to be. Who could imagine that, at one time, the President of the United States would have this kind of power?  It is time for us to assert ourselves to our elected officials and remind them that they work for us, not the other way around.  This is yet another ploy by our government to silence and control the people, and we should not have to endure it any longer.  Please spread this information if you can.  I'd post a copy of the NDAA, but it's right around 550 pages.  Do a quick Google search and it'll show up, along with a thousand news stories about it.  Until next time.

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