Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Grapevine (somewhat NSFW due to language)

So, recently I've been thrust into several situations dealing with rumors, backstabbing, and whispering behind people's backs.  Now, I always have the same thing to say to these people: either tell them this to their face or keep your fucking mouth shut.  Listen, I'm a person who tend to tell it like it is.  I don't spread rumors, even if I know they happen to be true; this is mostly because I can't be bothered with anyone else's bullshit.  And if you CAN find the time to be bothered with other people's dirty laundry, then you need to find a hobby and get a fucking life.  Furthermore, I'm tired of people complaining about each other behind closed doors and smiling to their face.  If you have a problem with someone, either tell them and try to fix it or keep your God damn mouth shut.  If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.  A caveat here though; this is not the same as having a problem with someone that is not worth confronting them over and keeping it to yourself.  Obviously, you have to pick your battles.  But when you smile to someone's face, then go bitch to everyone about something they do then I have not patience for you.  Either try and fix it, or shut up.  It's that simple.  And if you happen to be reading this and thinking "Christ, what a prick," then do me a favor and comment on this or message me on Facebook to let me know, or kindly cease reading my blog and unfriend me if applicable.  I've got no time for people who won't speak their mind.  The name calling, rumor-slinging, and passive-aggressive behavior I have witnessed in the past few weeks is enough to make me sick to my stomach, and I have stuck to my guns and told all involved as much to their face.  You've got a gripe with me, tell me.  Don't sneak around acting like what a dick I am, tell ME, not everyone else, me.  I can't change how I treat you if I don't know what the problem is, especially if that problem is non-existent and you're just mud-slinging.  This street goes both ways, by the way.  If someone is saying shit about you, either confront them or let it go.  And decide what's worth confronting someone for Christ's sake, don't fight every battle not worth your time.  My male peers will probably read this assuming it's targeted at women.  Not true, men and women are both guilty of this, so quit your shit.  

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